This picture shows specific features of a visa that will help to determine if the holder of the visa is a permanent or temporary resident in Australia.

Information and details about Olivia and Cleo's interviewee

Olivia and Cleo's interviewee taught them about permanent residence in Australia from questions they formed and gathered and questions they formed from her answers. The interview was for Cleo and Olivia to develop more skills and enable them to interview at a higher level, while, to learn and receive help on permanent residence in Australia from an experienced permanent resident in Australia. Their interviewee was called France Booth (a citizen from France, but a permanent resident in Australia), who developed their knowledge a countless and numerous amount. Olivia and Cleo interviewed France Booth on the 7th and 14th of May 2011 in the St. Thomas Willoughby School Yr 5's classroom.
Their first interview was to learn a broad amount of information about permanent residence from some basic questions, as a consequence, to develop more in-depth questions that would continue on from the following interview. From the second interview, Cleo and Olivia mainly focused and brought it down on partnership visa (France has a partnership visa, as, when she applied to become a permanent resident of Australia she was married to an Australian) and health requirements as that was where their interviewee's apprehension was strong and were brought down to the main parts of becoming a permanent resident. This extended their knowledge of permanent residence and understanding of how it relates to government.   

LINKS- these websites provide you with information about Australian visa's, for example spouse, sponsor, partner and de facto (the partner visa was what France applied for).  
